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The nutrition support team NST estimated his nutritional sta
The nutrition support team (NST) estimated his nutritional status and began the intervention. An inadequate calorie intake (due to swallowing difficulty) induced malnutrition in the patient; his bodyweight (BW) loss exceeded 8% in 3 months, his body mass index (BMI) was 21 kg/m2, triceps skinfold th
Furthermore the difference in the
Furthermore, the difference in the mean S–A interval between HB capture and non-capture in the 4 patients with conduction pattern 2 or 3 was only 20±4ms (range, 16–27ms), and was shorter than the HV interval after ablation in 3 patients (75%). By contrast, in patients with strictly AV nodal retrogra
Sor Juana cuyo genio era para Vigil indudablemente antimonac
Sor Juana, cuyo genio era para Vigil indudablemente “antimonacal” —recordemos que estamos en pleno periodo posterior phosphodiesterase inhibitor las leyes de desamortización de los bienes eclesiásticos— tuvo que tomar una decisión “dictada por las exigencias de su sociedad”, por ello, continúa Vigil
El texto de Paz nos permite
El texto de Paz nos permite contemplar el estado como una experiencia poética y una experiencia vital. Esto se debe en gran parte al énfasis que se pone en el cuerpo pterostilbene lo largo de , y más propiamente en el cuerpo que avanza en el sendero de Galta. La caminata física y la creación poétic
La presencia de este rbol americano detiene la
La presencia de este árbol americano detiene la marcha del desterrado europeo y transforma su mirada exótica en mirada unificadora y productiva sobre el espacio americano. La subversión que realizan los traductores americanos consiste en quitarle a la naturaleza americana cualquier rastro de exotism
GM 6001 En ese encuentro de intereses entre los
En ese encuentro de intereses entre los distintos grupos, bien sea por dominar el territorio, o por imponer la fuerza, o bien por controlar el negocio del narcotráfico, la población queda expuesta y vulnerable. Los ataques entre unos y otros tienen serias repercusiones sobre los poblados “las accion
LA REVISTA DEL EXILIO EN TANTO PROYECTO CULTURAL Si bien existen estudios sobre la figura del exiliado —Agamben, Zuleta—, que consideran las variables históricas —Clara Lida y Pablo Yankelevich— y los esfuerzos de proporcionar corpus testimoniales con nuevas aproximaciones acerca del exilio, que
In conclusion beta lactamase harboring bacteria exhibit a st
In conclusion, beta-lactamase-harboring bacteria exhibit a strong drug resistance pattern against different groups of antibiotics. Besides the production of resistance-related enzymes, these bacteria release pigments and also express different virulence gpr119 agonist that might be the cause of dev
Clinical genetic electrocardiographic and electrophysiologic
Clinical, genetic, electrocardiographic, and electrophysiological variables did not differ significantly between patients with and without the ER pattern (Table 2). Discussion Among our Brugada syndrome patients, the prevalence of the ER pattern was 10.1%, which is high in comparison to the 2%–5
propyl PPCL were associated with a
PPCL were associated with a very poor prognosis. The median survival duration according to published small trials was short, ranging from 7 to 13 months, with less than 10% of patients having a median survival of more than 5 years. In the largest recently published epidemiological study, the median
Commission on Global Surgery s
Commission on Global Surgery\'s vision is “universal access to safe, affordable surgical and anaesthesia care when needed”. 5 billion people, largely the poor, marginalised, and rural, face impossible hurdles and for all practical purposes are excluded from what is often life-saving or disability-av
More than structural haemoglobin variants have been describe
More than 900 structural haemoglobin variants have been described. Of these more than 100 show high oxygen affinity [2]. Erythrocytosis caused by Hb Ypsilanti was first described in 1967 [3], and the mutation results in substitution of amino glut 1 (β99 Asp→Tyr) involved in the stability of the qua
In Rachel Lowe and colleagues show the
In , Rachel Lowe and colleagues show the potential of application of climate services for health to dengue in the city of Machala, El Oro Province, Ecuador, where dengue is hyperendemic and transmitted throughout the year with co-circulation of all four dengue serotypes. Machala is an ideal site for
En el documental Tacos altos en el barro Rolando
En el documental Tacos altos en el barro (Rolando Pardo, 2014), una de las travestis afirma que “somos seres humanos igual que ustedes”, mientras se esparce una crema por su rostro, rodeado de carencias económicas y de infraestructura de todo tipo. Esta cinta se ocupa de la relación entre prostituci
One of the unheralded developments in global health is the
One of the unheralded developments in global health is the welcome increase in the number of older people (ie, aged 60 or 65 years and older) in low-income and middle-income countries. In parallel with the gains from this longevity dividend, ageing presents particular challenges to health services.
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